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Ex-Boeing Employees Warn Against Flying on 737 MAX
Former Boeing employees, including a senior manager, express reservations about flying on the 737 Max, citing safety concerns stemming from alleged production pressures and compromised quality control. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Good read. Thanks for the link.
Years ago there was a "Truism" amongst airline pilots - If you want the perfect airliner, let Lockheed design it, let Boeing build it and let McD market it. It would appear that since the merger the marketing has taken precedence! Too bad!! I always felt the safest in a Boeing built aircraft. S. Ross (Ret. TWA Capt.)
As I have said many times since the 2 fatal Max crashes, I will not set foot on another 737! History has shown that they can be unreliable, but the main reason for me, is that there was no accountability at all, of the Boeing board. 346 people were killed in those crashes, and Muilenburg is fantastically rewarded with a $62 million pay off! That's over $179,000 for each death he was rewarded for having a hand in killing!!!! That's why AMERICA has become a Huge Sickening Joke as far as Corporate Greed and Management style goes. A Soldier or Policeman may cause an unfortunate death, and they are persecuted and pilloried through every court in the land. People of America, WAKE UP!!!!
I’m told the same by Boeing Alumni.
Good read about this topic
This article is a good read on the topic.