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Pilots protest against vaccine mandates outside Charlotte-Douglas International Airport
As planes were taking off from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport Saturday, pilots who fly for major airlines and others were protesting vaccine mandates below. The rally put on by the group US Freedom Flyers was organized to express their stand against the most recent requirements from the Biden administration for companies with 100 or more workers. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Also, "telling people" is not exatly the same as get vaxxed or you're fired.
I asked my internist over the past nine months about getting the CoVid19 vaccinations and booster. He strongly urged me to do so and also to get my annual flu shot. I complied…it’s just that simple!
Your choice.
Good for you as your choice will have a positive impact on many - some you will never know.
And you are sure of this how?
Just flew with an FO a few weeks back who was told by his doctor NOT to get the vaccine as he is susceptible to blood clots and he could die from the shot. He applied and received Reasonable Accommodation yet is on unpaid leave. THIS IS WHAT THE PROTESTS ARE ABOUT. So in many cases, it's not Easy-Peasy at all and someone is not getting paid for what exactly????? Heads need to get out of so many Asses!
You can’t be on a reasonable accommodation if you’ve been put on unpaid leave. Once cancels out the other.
He’s not getting paid because he isn’t working? That would be my guess.